Saturday, September 4, 2010

Dear Strega Nona

I met Strega Nona when I was in college. I found her in the library of my Children's Literature professor. And from that day on, I fell in love with her....story.

I tirelessly waited for the day that she would be part of my personal collection. Thanks to my favorite bookshop for giving me a copy of her stories.

I love reading aloud her stories to a young audience. Strega Nona and Big Anthony (and Bambalona) make us laugh and believe in the power of imagination, words (and magic).

Last week, after reading and (chanting the magic words of) Strega Nona, I asked my second grade pupils to write Strega Nona a letter. I am overwhelmed with their outputs. Their responses are just so authentic. As a teacher, I am proud that at their very young age, they are able to come up with very meaningful (and funny) responses. I've also noticed that they were so involved and engrossed with the activity.

Here are the unedited letters of some of them. (Note: Most of these pupils are ESL or English as Second Language learners. I also decided not to edit them to "preserve" the authenticity of the "children's voices".

Happy reading!


Dear Strega nona,

i want to borrow your pasta ball many people is want to taste your pasta because iwant taste your pasta

From Pupil A


Dear Strega Nona, i am one of your fun i want to borrow your pasta beacuse manny People is want to taste your pasta

Dear big anthony what is the taste of pasta wow you eat the all pasta in to your town that is so manny

From Pupil B


Dear Strega Nona,

can i borrow Your magic pasta pot and Your mgic ring and can You teach me Your magic. Ypur so very funny and can you teach me your song


Pupil C


Dear Strega Nona,

Can I borrow your magic pot beca-

use there are so many people that is hungry and I want to help them and I will just return next year, mon-

th or week. well bye for now I will just give you another letter.

Love, Pupil D


Dear Strega Nona

When is your birthday

are you hands some

From Pupil E


Dear Strega Nona

Can i borrow your magic ring?

Whem is your birlhday?

because i will athend in your birlhday.

Tank you. love

Pupil F


Dear: Strega Nona

can you be my Friend and I

read all your story’s and all your books are Good. Do you have more Storys


Pupil G


Dear Strega Nona,

Hi, Strega Nona! I’m Pupil H--a Grade 2 pupil-- one of your fans. Is Big Anthony’s deeds being good now? I have also a favor, can I barrow your magic ring? Because my birthday is getting near. So that I’ll feed many noodles for many people

God bless!


Pupil H


Dear Strega nona,

Make me Some pasta and i’ll be your Grandmother Can I barrow

magic Ring and if you

have Facebook i’ll add,




Dear, Big Anhtony

Do you have Girlfriend

I wonderWho is that is

From Pupil J


Dear: Strega Nona,

Your stories is very beautiful

and I want to borrow your

magic ring I want to be

your friend and How old are you



Pupil K


Dear Strega Nona

I want to buy your magic

ring and i want to be your

grand mother


Pupil L


Dear Strega Nona

Strega Nona

can you teach me your mgic

tricks and your magic things

and how to make a pasta

pot and what is big

Anthony doing there in italy

and if you do that i’ll be

happy gratia Love Pupil M


Dear Strega nona,

i want to borrow your pasta ball many people is want to taste your pasta because iwant taste your pasta

From Pupil N


Dear strega nona:

Strega nona can you teach me how to do

magic Strega nona can you be my

best friend where do you leave can you

be my friend in face book thank you

you have a wife


Pupil O

Thank you Tomie de Paola for giving us Strega Nona.

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