Friday, March 13, 2009

rejected attempt

it was a wrong move to invite that person to become my contact in friendster (coz that person only patronizes fs and not multiply, myspace, facebook or any other social networking sites). it really was.

We're part of the same imagined circle of friends. We see each other at least once in a week (or was it only me who see that person? Do i even exist in that person's world?) But why did that person turn down my request? I'm one of the friendliest people i know.

I even sent a personal message in my invite. Why? I wanna know that person's reasons.
Does it have something to do with perfect timing? Do i have to establish to a firmer rapport? Do i not meet that person's qualifications of a potential friend?

And after what that person did to me, am i gonna re-befriend that person again?

Buntong-hininga. Sige na nga. God help me.
Tags: friend, rejection

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