Saturday, December 5, 2009

December quiz (not recommended)

1. Is December  a stress-rich month?

A. Strongly Agree

B. Strongly Disagree

C. Not sure

2. Will you have a happy Christmas?

A. No

B. Never

C. Of course

3. How many gifts would you receive?

A. 5, 634

B. 1

C. 0

4. If you have the power to erase a month from the calendar, which one would it be?

A. January

B. June

C. December

5. Which of the following gifts do you want to receive this Christmas?

A. peace of mind, body, soul and spirit

B. 13th, 14th, 15th...nth month pay

C. Extra 5 hours in a day

6. If December is a vegetable, what vegetable would you want it to be?

A. bitter gourd

B. pepper

C. chili

7. What's the best way to spend the December hellidays?

A. Drink plenty of water.

B. Spend long hours under your bed.

C. Hide from your boss, godchildren and carolers.

8. February is love, December is ____________.

A. stress

B. strain

C. exhaustion

9. What gift would you give to the Ampatuans?

A. military uniforms

B. Order of Sikatuna award

C. TOYM medal

10. If Gloria is a Christmas symbol, what symbol would she be?

A. Christmas tree

B. Snow flake

C. None of the above

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